OBS Advanced Guides OBS Studio9 Top OBS Scripts to POWER UP OBS Studio with new features!EposVoxAugust 24, 2021October 15, 2021 by EposVoxAugust 24, 2021October 15, 202102643 AutoSplitter – automatically start and stop recording after a set amount of time Control Home Assistant – Control your home automation with OBS! Changing lighting,...
Guides OBS Intermediate Guides OBS StudioHow to zoom in or punch-in in OBS Studio (Lag-Free!)EposVoxJuly 3, 2021 by EposVoxJuly 3, 202101972 A simple punch-in or cut-in or zoom in is an easy way to add a comedic or dramatic effect to your streams and videos, but...
Guides OBS Intermediate Guides OBS StudioHow to record without overlays in OBS Studio (the easy way)EposVoxJuly 3, 2021July 3, 2021 by EposVoxJuly 3, 2021July 3, 202102127 At long last, an EASY way to record a single source without overlays (or multiple) from your streams! This is… awesome. Let’s check out the...