Category : Capture Cards

Capture card reviews, documentation, and tutorials.

Capture Cards Reviews

“Can’tLink” Review: The cheapest capture card money can buy.. is actually WORTH buying?

Today’s capture card review is pretty fascinating. This capture card is the cheapest capture card you can buy, and is actually a worthwhile Elgato Cam...
Capture Cards Reviews

Mokose U70S Review: The PERFECT audio feature ALL capture cards should have!

Today’s capture card review is of a device that might be difficult to find – it’s sold out on Amazon, AliExpress, Walmart, etc. BUT a...
Capture Cards Reviews

My NEW Favorite Capture Card – ClonerAlliance Flint 4KP Plus Review

4K 60fps passthrough, UVC compatibility, audio inputs, and it’s not price gouged due to Covid? Today’s capture card review is my new favorite USB capture...
Capture Cards Documentation

CAPTURE CARD DOCUMENTATION – Latency, Decode Modes, Formats, & MORE!

Intro/Overview IN THIS RESOURCE: I will provide latency data for capture cards to OBS’s preview as well as important notes if a capture card does not...